
Environmental & Sustainability Aspects

The project is designed to meet or exceed both federal and state regulations for sustainability, ensuring minimal environmental impact.

Efficiency & Emissions

Coal-fired power plants typically operate at 36% efficiency, while modern natural gas plants operate at 65%, providing a more environmentally friendly option.

New power plants today produce lower emissions than filling up at a gas station.

Groundwater & Environmental Impact

The project will have no impact on groundwater and will not affect nearby lakes, including Smith Mountain Lake or Leesville Lake.

Water used for cooling will be treated and circulated to prevent contamination

Buffering & Land Use

40% (300 acres) of the 750-acre project site will remain undeveloped, exceeding the required 10% open space for an industrial project.

Natural buffers will be preserved to minimize environmental and aesthetic impact.

Sustainable Lighting Practices

Balico is committed to "Dark Skies" lighting, using strategies to minimize light pollution.

The project will follow guidelines for properly shielded lighting fixtures, directing light downward, adhering to specified levels, and ensuring compliance with local ordinances.