Community & Environmental Considerations

Location & Buffering
The plant is located in a low-population rural area, reducing exposure risks to residents
Tree-lined berms and vegetation will provide both visual and sound buffering for nearby properties.
Additional Considerations
The plant will feature fencing, security guards, and clearance checks for workers to ensure safety.
Construction will begin after berms and setbacks are in place. Setbacks will be increased from 75 feet to 125 feet for properties near industrial zones.
If the project does not proceed within five years, the land will be rezoned back to agricultural or residential use.
A decommissioning plan will be updated periodically to ensure the county is not left with the burden of an abandoned or non-operational power station.
Industrial Parks Considered for Expansion & Challenges Preventing Our Involvement
Balico Promises
Land Use: Limited to data centers and power station only.
Zoning: Reverts to agricultural or residential use if the project does not proceed.
Buffering: Preservation of natural buffers wherever possible.
Open Space: At least 40% (300 acres) of the site will remain undeveloped.
Screening Plan: Comprehensive screening and buffering plan approved by the County.
Setbacks: Increased from 75 feet to 125 feet (or more) for adjoining parcels.
New Fire Station: A new fire station will be built to serve the project and surrounding areas.
Fire-Related Costs: The project will defray fire-related costs until the County receives $5 million in recurring, annual revenue.
Traffic Control: Coordination with public safety officials to create an emergency response plan.
Decommissioning & Mitigation: Plans to decommission the power station and mitigate light pollution.